Plugin Tag: acf
Custom Fields Missing When ACF is Active
(0 total ratings)Reverse missing Wordpress custom fields when ACF is activated.
AcyMailing integration for Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
(0 total ratings)Insert custom posts from Advanced Custom Fields in your emails. Automatically generate monthly newsletters including the last posts.
ACF Page Level
(0 total ratings)Sometimes you want to show the field groups based on the page level right? Well here you go. Enjoy!
ACF SoundCloud Playlists
(0 total ratings)An ACF Field type to browse your very own SoundCloud playlists and add them to your post, option and/or widget.
Extends ACF to save json-file in plugin directory
(0 total ratings)ACF will save the field groups as JSON files, if you have created a directory with the name acf-json. Then, the ACF plugin will get the fields informa …
PDF Generator Crowd API
(0 total ratings)A PDF generator that really works. Creates PDF files on the fly with a simple shortcode from post(s), custom post type(s) or page(s). Supports ACF.
Color Scheme Field for Advanced Custom Fields PRO
(0 total ratings)Adds a color scheme field type to Advanced Custon Fields Pro. Create your own color schemes using hex and make them available from your admin panel.
ACF: MadMimi Audience List
(0 total ratings)A field for Advanced Custom Fields which allows you to select one or more of your MadMimi audience lists
Advanced Custom Data
(1 total ratings)The Advanced Custom Data plugin to display anywhere. Support the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.
ACF Copilot – LivePreview, Code Snippets & Group Addons
(1 total ratings)Improve Advanced Custom Fields workflows with livepreview, inline help, custom code snippets, html components and field group bulk delete and move.
Synchronize Editor and ACF Color Pickers 🎨
(0 total ratings)Synchronize ACF color picker fields with the editor color pickers.
WP Enterprise Extension
(0 total ratings)The WP Enterprise Extension (WEX) is a multi-function plugin that adds a set of enhancements to tailor wordpress to an enterprise setting.
Google Maps Search Tool For ACF
(0 total ratings)Allows to easily integrate a spacial search functionality into your search form for posts with ACF Google Maps fields.
Advanced Custom Fields: Menu Field
(0 total ratings)Adds a 'Menu' field type for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin.
ACF Dynamic Choices
(1 total ratings)Advanced Custom Fields plugin to allow for dynamic choices (through SQL queries)
Flow Fields
(1 total ratings)Flow Fields is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily add custom fields to your posts, pages, and other custom post types.
(0 total ratings)Adds Custom Field output to the WP REST API for posts, pages, users, and taxonomies.
Plus Features for Advanced Custom Fields
(0 total ratings)Adds Dual range slider to Advanced Custom Fields(ACF) plugin and supports some shortcodes for Email and URL links, Numbers with separators, and text.