Plugin Tag: bitcoin
BTCP Pay for Woocommerce
(2 total ratings)Enables users of your WooCommerce site to take Bitcoin Private payments when checking out.
B2BinPay Payments for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)Accept Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, and other CryptoCurrencies via B2BinPay on your WooCommerce store.
Bitcoin Online shortcode
(4 total ratings)Display current bitcoin (BTC/USD) price anywhere on your WordPress site online.
Bitcoin Donator Button Widget
(1 total ratings)Adds a Bitcoin Donate Button widget (with QR-code in a lightbox). If you have not used Bitcoin before, you might want learn a little about it first.
WooCommerce Instant Bitcoin payment gateway
(1 total ratings)WooCommerce instant Bitcoin / satoshi checkouts via Bitcoin Micropayment Platform
Cryptopay Gateway for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)Accept crypto – get fiat! Make the most of receiving, exchanging and sending crypto globally.
iPint Payment Gateway
(0 total ratings)The iPint Crypto Payment Gateway plugin extends WooCommerce allowing you to take payments in crypto directly on your store or website via iPint's …
Ethereum price tooltip
(0 total ratings)Plugin will find mentions of Ethereum in your texts and automatically add a tooltip to it with current price in USD and EUR.
Cryptonix for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)Accept cryptocurrencies through Cryptonix such as USDT, Tron, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and TON on your WooCommerce store.
- Payment Gateway for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)This plugin implements a payment gateway for WooCommerce to let buyers pay with BUX tokens on eCash, via PayPal or Credit Card.
Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway and Withdrawal for myCred by CryptoPay
(0 total ratings)Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway and Withdrawal for myCred, Cryptocurrency payments, Bitcoin payments, Ethereum, Crypto payments, USDT, BTC, ETH, SOL
Bitnob – Accept Bitcoin Payments (On-chain & Lightning)
(0 total ratings)Accept Bitcoin on your website via on chain or lightning right away. Powered by Bitnob. With an easy setup of our plugin, you can get up and running …
Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway for Restrict Content Pro by CryptoPay
(0 total ratings)Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway for Restrict Content Pro, Cryptocurrency payments for WordPress, Bitcoin payments, Crypto payments, USDT, BTC, ETH, SOL
DCA Calculator
(0 total ratings)Simple DCA calculator to view the average cost of investments made over a period of time. 4 diffrent versions for Both Stocks or crypto.
(0 total ratings)Cryptocurrency payment gateway for WooCommerce and BucksBus. Accept coins: Bitcoin, Ethereum, TRX and more.