Plugin Tag: security
Adaptive Login Action
(0 total ratings)Adaptive Login Form: Adjusting compromise between Comfort and Paranoia.
Core Vitals Monitor
(1 total ratings)Tests performance metrics (security and performance) on- a periodic schedule
Secure Password Generator
(0 total ratings)Adds a secure password generator to your WordPress website.
Joe's Recent Users Activity
(0 total ratings)A mobile-responsive plugin showing the last 100 logged-in users & their last page in admin via a 'Recent Activity' menu.
Randomize Password
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows administrators to set a schedule for automatic password changes. Users can enable this feature on their profile page to enhance sec …
WP HTTPS Redirect
(0 total ratings)This plugin helps you redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS without the need of touching any code.
WP Vulnerable Updates
(0 total ratings)WP vulnerable updates is an automated Vulnerable checking plugin in real time and alert you if any vulnerable updates found on your WordPress site.
Shift8 Security
(0 total ratings)Plugin that implements several measures to generally improve the security of your Wordpress site. At this point security scan obfuscation of core Word …
Simons FrameKiller
(0 total ratings)Simons FrameKiller adds the framekiller code to a Wordpress page
(0 total ratings)Univerwp is a plugin, as a framework, that aims to extend WordPress in various area: security, performance and additional features.
WP Remove Version Number
(0 total ratings)License: GPLv2 or later WordPress plugin to remove the version number from the WordPress front end.
WordPress Host Headers
(0 total ratings)Add a Host-Header to track down hosting partners in helping combat web spam.
Stop Confusion
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows you to check your themes' presence in WordPress remote repository from the admin panel, and block unwanted theme updates to pr …
DH Rename Login URL and Two Factor Authentication
(0 total ratings)DH Rename Login URL helps you to rename or modify the default WordPress login area /wp-login.php and gives you Google Two Factor Authentication featur …
Torque – Optimise the transport of your Website
(0 total ratings)A Wordpress plugin to optimise the transport of your website to the client. Reduce the load on your server and make your Wordpress website fly!